Monday 2 March 2015

Using Final Cut Pro

I have used Final Cut Pro to edit my film.This software allows me to put together my thriller opening to professional standards.   

The effects tab enabled me to create a realistic atmosphere of a generic thriller.I used the effects of bad TV and fun house to portray the idea of being on edge or distorted frame. 

  This is a screenshot of my film.Notice the use of
effects can show the idea of distortion,this also to create a spooky atmosphere.Using white minimalistic writing has allowed me to  reflect conventions of a generic thrillers. 

The blade tool allows you to precisely cut and tailor pieces of footage to fit exactly into .This has enabled me to get my footage exactly to end and start when i want.

This transition of cross dissolve allowed me to change from clip to clip by blending out of one scene to another,this transition is used in thrillers to build suspense of what the next scene awaits .The screen shot to the right shows how long or short you want to make the transition.

This shows the music you have used and you can apply and edit your music here.Also by pulling the music tab up it allows you to make the music louder or quieter.