Monday 29 September 2014

Top ten thrillers +Thriller villans of all time

Top 10 Thriller Movie Villains   

I feel its a good idea to add the top villains in the thriller genre to help me understand the key elements they portray to be able to use them features in my thriller opening.
  • villains don’t necessary need accompanying characters, they can often operate completely alone.  If they do have henchmen or minions, one of these may appear to everyone including the reader as being the villain, hiding the real one behind.
  • The anti-hero. It is possible to have a hero who acts as a baddy, or an anti-hero. Movies nowadays setup viewers expectations that there should be a good winning over bad ending, however television series allow for the anti-hero, who oversteps the law, seeks revenge, is a rebellious little-man, and holds traits that don’t generally make him an overall good guy. Anti-heroes should still invoke the reader’s sympathies and understanding, however; have easily identified imperfections, and should emphasise human frailty and society’s more hidden or darker values.

Top 10 Thriller movies

What makes a Perfect Thriller? Actually Thriller is such a broad genre that you can not define a perfect thriller film. Thriller could be easily meshed up with horror or crime. You will find a lots of sub genres of Thriller films, Most Popular Being – Crime Thriller, Action Thriller, Horror Thriller, Mystery Thriller and even comedy Thriller. But the question is what actually defines a thriller film.
A Thriller film is one whose plot revolves around such elements and characters that create anxiety, suspense, surprise and even terror among the audience. So sometimes a good thriller film can give you more chill than a horror film. Thriller films are full of surprises and plot twists and you can never guess what is going to happen at the next moment. The tension build around the plot can easily gulp the audience in it and you might feel like one of the character and even if you don’t, you surely will run your mind to guess the next move in the film.

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