Sunday 7 September 2014

what are the generic conventions used in a thriller film?

There are many features that characterise the thriller genre. Here is a list of them with what they contribute to a thriller:

 Lighting: from watching a number of thrillers the most dangerous scenes mostly take place at night because of fear that we get from the dark which links to the unknown and what could be out there or following us and to this dark areas increase the feeling of danger and suspense (i.e. woods or forest). Sometimes though murder or violent scenes happen in broad daylight instead. This adds surprise to the violence and could sometimes even add more thrill and horror, because it is so unsuspected.People usually feel safer in daylight, so a murder at that time could be more shocking.

typical night time scene in a thriller

 Camera angles: Long shots helps set the scene. Sometimes the director wants the audience to know the scene, sometimes they don't, if the do the shot will show the location by possibly a short scan round it,if they don't its to build suspense or not give something away, they would zoom in on perhaps a victims face like eyes to show there expression or so the audience concentrates and possibly even identifies and empathises of a relevant item like a gun for example.

Locations: Generic thriller locations are usually enclosed or remote areas which add a sense of claustrophobia with no escape or having anyone walking by in which save the show no way out for the character in panic situations. but Other locations used in thriller films are plain,very unglamourous and surrounded by pale or dark colours like Car parks which are very commonly used in thrillers, also abandoned places which adds fear as it makes the audience realise they wouldn't want to be stuck there like for example the bates motel in the film psycho.



Weapons Usually weapons are often used. Many main characters in a thriller own a gun or a knife. If they do not own a typical weapon, they tend to use items which don't normally have a purpose to originally harm someone with as weapons. For example glass vases, baseball bats, high heel shoes, stones etc. White vans are often used in thrillers. They are very suspicious, because anything could be hidden inside as you cant see
in. Plain white -> faceless -> Enigma.

 Characters Thrillers mostly focus on illegal, dangerous behaviour, usually involving characters that are gangsters, part of the mafia, spies, detectives or any kind of murderers. The idea of hidden identity is quite integrand to viewers as well it keeps them wanting to watch till the end to find out who they are. Sometimes, important key characters are complete enigmas , so the audience doesn't find out much information. Some of these enigmas get cleared up at the end of a film, but sometimes the character stays mysterious and you never finds out their actual identity.

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