Friday 10 October 2014

Investigating opening sequencing using ART OF THE TITLE.COM

Coraline 2009

With a descending doll all expectation is set aside at the start of author Neil Gaiman and director Henry Selick’s Coraline. Her punch-and-cut deconstruction is distressing; at her inversion you may feel a gastric tug. You may also dream of submissive needlepoint only to awake with new eyes.
To paraphrase the film’s series of alphabet posters, “‘C’ is for Coraline — brave little girl. Who unlocks the door to a whole different world.”

 The title for this film appears on the screen at the beginning at 0.17 seconds for 5 seconds.The button used as the O is a motif in which helps to  set the scene of what may be to come also and sewn pattern to show the title gives of a rather scratchy finish like something being unsettled and can help the viewer know that the theme of sewing and embroidery is key or widely used.The dark Burgundy and brownish background gives off a fairly dark atmosphere to the film.

This first 8 or so title sequences give a full screen dedication of 4seconds to the most famous and important actors in this films like the ones to the right.These names are placed in the center of the frame in big letting to also show importance.

Less important rolls in the film get put together like the one on the left.At 0.45 seconds
Now we start to see footage which will help us understand the film.But still leaving us with unanswered questions like whats going on?who's doll is that? whys it there?
The titles in these two frames are not central so therefore not as important as the previous as they are in smaller font and they are bottom right.

Other questions that we ask are who's are the metal hands we can see? who are they? what are they doing?are they human or robot due to metal hands?this is a way of getting the audience to stay and watch to find out who it is and also to build suspense of what they are going to in the film.

Changing the positions of the titles gives a more interesting approach and dynamics to watching this but also to allow the viewer to focus on the made thing going on in that frame that me key to the film later on.

Like the the screen shot to the right shows a doll having its eyes removed this is key to the film later on as they want Coraline to change from a girl with real eyes to a doll with button ones that's why they have changed where the title is placed for that frame.

The music in the filmalso helps set what seems are failry dark and mysticalm setting it builds suspence to know whats going to happening.Below is the music to these titles.

                                         sourced from

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