Monday 13 October 2014

Investigating opening sequencing using ART OF THE TITLE.COM -

Mimic 1997
 This film is about entomologist Dr. Susan Tyler genetically created an insect to kill cockroaches carrying a virulent disease. Now, the insects are out to destroy their only predator, mankind.

  1. The opening title of production company is dedicated on a full screen in the centre in big font  for 8 seconds this showing its importance.
  2. The fist piece of film is to set the scene this is shown for 4 seconds
  3. A dead mounted moth is shown only in the frame for 2 seconds and quickly fade away  this is to show the audience that this a main theme in the film but leave them wondering why therefore they will watch further.
  4. Now all the rest of the titles last for 2 seconds this is due to there roles not being as significant and most of them include about 2 or 3 names at a time either in bottom left or right corner with only a few more central we know they aren't as important due to them not being central or have the frame to themselves in big font.
  5. As the sequence goes on it furthers the theme of showing moths, butterfly and other insects while the titles go on the frame to.
  6. we get shown the title of the film at 0.55 second this is a convention of this thriller genre
  7. To the end we get almost a cliff hanger to entice the audience to see what happens this being the bugs that seemed dead in the previous frames begin wriggling and begin to crawl this happening at 2.40,then the music stops and at 2.45 we get shown a shot of a city.this to me showing a large contrast between the two but how in the movie they will be linked very heavily.
  8. the music begins to heavily crescendo at 1.45 this is when we can here children shouting nursery rhymes and there photos are shown as victims of a crime.     
  9.  At 1.48 the images of insects increase with louder music the images change n the screen every half a second this also adding to suspense factor.
  10. after this point the images and frames used in the title are faster than before gaining a sense of being out of control.
  11. the children we heard earlier singing nursery rhymes are now shown on screen individually with scared and horrified emotion.This invites audience to want to find out who the children are and what they are do with in the film.
Here is the link to the title sequence:

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