Friday 28 November 2014


I have come up with a few questions from from target market age to what they think of films in general but also there preferences when it comes to thrillers. I also asked what they want from this genre to ensure it helps me narrow down what they will enjoy about my film.
These where the questions i asked 8 people from my target market the numbers by the answers are how many answered that choice:

 What gender are you? 

Male 2      Female 6

 How old are you? 

16-19 8

 What is your favorite sub genre to the thriller category? 

Horror 4 philological 2 disaster 2 

 What is your favorite thriller and why?

  • The shining as you get random shocks that you don't expect.

  • Inception:  it has a great cast and sub plot compliments the main plot. 

  • Hunger games as its exciting!!!!

  • The shining: good plot and  great settings 

  • The mist as its so scary but ends really funny 

  • Anything by martin Scorsese because he is a legend!his films are always very artistic but also have a great storyline that stays with you long after watching.
  • hunger games is great
  • the maze runner has a great plot
What qualities make a good thriller film?

  • Good plot and props 

  • Storyline must be thrilling with a creative soundtrack to add to the mood.

  • Props and realistic setting

  • Tense,exiting,sitting on edge of your seat and nothing boring.

  • Dramatic,suspense an good storyline 

  • Good music,and action

  • Good but subtle storyline 

  • Elements of surprise    

Do you think a good sound track effects increases the quality a thriller?  
                                                       yes 8

 What do you expect in the opening of a thriller movie?

How often do you watch thrillers?
  • 2 a month 
  • 1 a week 
  • hardly ever 
  • not too often
  • now and again

 How do you feel when watching a thriller?

  • scared, excited 
  • need someone to cuddle up to 
  • pumped 
  • on edge of seat
  • Interested to see what happens 

Do you think a main character you can relate to adds to a film?
                            yes 7    doesn't matter 1

This information i have now collated will help to know what to add to my thriller to ensure it appeals to my target audience.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Thinking into the title name for my film

I have asked my target market what they think of the names i have come up with for my film, i have chosen my title by the process of looking into the thesaurus to get a wider use of words or phases that link to my thriller plot but without giving a lot away into what will happen.The titles i had come up with where

eyes tight shut 3

dream catcher 12

mind games 8

retreat  7

The numbers beside the titles above where the amount of my target market which voted for that title.My thriller title will be dream catcher as this was the favorite from my target market.I feel this title is a clever play on words due to a dream catcher is something people use to get rid of nightmares but im interpreting the title with "catcher" as the voices in the characters dream is trying to catch/get him.
A traditional dream catcher Photo used from Google images
 Wikipedia's  definition of a dram catcher: A small hoop containing a horsehair mesh decorated with feathers and beads, believed by American Indians to give its owner good dreams.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Story board

Now i have gathered ideas and inspiration for my thriller i will be sketching out the story board to what i will be filming.

permission to film

For my film i will need to have permission forms for any actors i will use.Also getting permission to film on peoples property or land.

I ................. agree to take part in Anya Gibbins AS media studies film for public viewing and to be show in her blog online. signed ................

Once they have filled this in i can then start filming.

Focus of my thriller and looking at suspence film - The sixth sence

I have thought about ideas on what i want my thriller opening to be about/contain.I feel i am going to focus on the suspense aspect of the genre to keep audience engaged and on the edge of there seat throughout.

Helping me to understand how I will capture suspense I have looked at the film The Sixth Sense to get an idea of what they do to create this atmosphere.

The film is a supernatural thriller film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The film tells the story of Cole Sear a troubled, isolated boy who is able to see and talk to the dead, and an equally troubled child psychologist  who tries to help him. The film stars Bruce Willis, made in 1999.

 The film captures the use of suspense by music that crescendos but also the use of non digetic sounds to make the viewer wonder what the noise is or what making the sound round the corner.I will try to use the ideas of creating my own music to impact suspense.

                                        Here is the trailer for the film take from

Wednesday 12 November 2014

my chosen Thriller locations


The pictures above are photos I have taken in my chosen locations I feel these place will help add to my film due to them containing typical thriller objects like these places being abandoned or run down,also these places give a sense of atmosphere due to them being remote and dark.I have asked permission to use these locations and the owner is more than happy to allow me to use the sight for filming.

Monday 3 November 2014

What my thriller is about

After investigating the thriller genre I will now think about what I want my film to contain and be about.This is the idea i have come up with: the charater falling in to a deep sleep\nightmare where where hes tossing and turning.the content of his dream is him trying to escape from the voices which he believes to be real and and are trying to catch him.But will he escape the voices? Make it back to reality with this nightmare being only in his head or being met with himself in reality?