Wednesday 26 November 2014

Thinking into the title name for my film

I have asked my target market what they think of the names i have come up with for my film, i have chosen my title by the process of looking into the thesaurus to get a wider use of words or phases that link to my thriller plot but without giving a lot away into what will happen.The titles i had come up with where

eyes tight shut 3

dream catcher 12

mind games 8

retreat  7

The numbers beside the titles above where the amount of my target market which voted for that title.My thriller title will be dream catcher as this was the favorite from my target market.I feel this title is a clever play on words due to a dream catcher is something people use to get rid of nightmares but im interpreting the title with "catcher" as the voices in the characters dream is trying to catch/get him.
A traditional dream catcher Photo used from Google images
 Wikipedia's  definition of a dram catcher: A small hoop containing a horsehair mesh decorated with feathers and beads, believed by American Indians to give its owner good dreams.

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