Thursday 22 January 2015


For my thriller I will be using a male actor aged 18, this will be jack gibbins.This is due to my target market research showed how majority of people wanted to have the main character (jack) be of a similar age to them, this is so they can relate to him and what’s going on in the film, I believe using a boy will help add to the overall feel of the thriller as boys don’t like to show they get scared where as girls usually are more open to emotions. I want to show when a boy is alone or scared that in fact he can be freaked out just as much as a girl can even if they won't admit it. I have used him also due to trying to make the thriller like an everyday person/situation and its only what happens to him that’s abnormal, its also reflecting the story that you don’t know what a person is really like even though someone seems normal they can have something going on in there head that isn't.

This is jack,the actor in my thriller. He is happy to be a part of my film and says hes looking forward to the final outcome of the film.

I will be playing the faceless phantom who is chasing jack. I have decided not to give this charater a face/ identity as it adds to the over all suspence,also the power of imagination which leaves it up to the viewer to decide what this charater could looks like.A human can't make up a face in there mind they can only recreate one they have seen before even if it's someone you saw down the street this meaning the figure can reflect all kinds of people and what troubles they hide.The mask is red and black which are colours frequently used throughout this genre, they contate - Red meaning excitement,danger and blood. Black meaning power,mystery,fear and remorse. These are all things which could  contribute to the vibe we can collect from this charaters mask.

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