Tuesday 6 January 2015

shooting schedule

This shooting schedule which I have devised below will help me keep to timing on when, where and what I have to film in my weekend. I am trying to keep my filming done over a weekend period as the actor used is my brother who can come home from university to feature in my thriller. All the locations are walking distance or at my house so I don’t need to spend time travelling which gives me more time to film and It can give me 2 days in which I can get at my footage done. Also thinking about when it gets dark which is around 4:30pm this isn’t ideal due to it giving me less hours to film that if it was summer time but is useful seeing at I want to film some scenes when its getting dark and don’t want to be staying up too late as we have to get up early the next day to film. The reason I want to film when it gets dark is get a feel of a different atmosphere of my thriller opening but also due to darkness is a key aspect of a thriller convention so this will help me try out that time of day to see if it gives me the right spooky atmosphere in which I want to create.

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